
We specialize in troubleshooting technical issues for computer users. These issues could be either hardware or software related, and it’s our job to diagnose where the problem is and implement a solution.

We provide convenient on-call remote support or can travel to a clients office or client-designated site.


Working Process

We are responsible for creating functional disk images – a file that contains the contents and structure of a hard drive or other data storage device. They can then troubleshoot flaws causing software to malfunction by using this default image.

We spend a good portion of time troubleshooting issues reported to us by the end user. These issues could be software related, such as identifying malware, or can be related to malfunctioning hardware.

This involves using patch management and software distribution tools to ensure software updates are implemented network-wide in a timely manner. In a large organization, this can mean updating hundreds of computers on the in-house network.

In today’s age of heightened cyber threats, this is one of our most important responsibilities. We are on the front lines of the battle against the hackers who seek to steal private information. We are responsible for creating an image that contains security updates and applying said image to all hard drives on the network.

Being a Desktop Engineer requires a unique blend of technical and people skills. We are analytical problem-solvers who also have a knack for being a good listener.